Contact Us

For help with Service or Sales please call or text our shop phone:

435-671-3393 Click to Text;

Sometimes if we have other customers at the shop we will not be able to answer but we will call you back if you can text us if we don't answer.

- Our shops bike specialist is Lucas and he works Tuesday - Saturday 9-6 and Sat 9-5

- Our shops Ski/Snowboard Specialist is Chandler and he works Monday-Wednesday 9-6 and Saturday 9-5.  (also awesome at bikes)

- Jordan works Mon, Thur, and Friday.  9-6 and does it all.

- Jennie is the full time Manager of the shop, she is there most of the time every day.

We are closed Sunday.

Please text, email, or call Kody if you aren't able to get a hold of the shop in a timely manner or need to escalate/communicate any issues;

435-671-6530 Click to Text

or email

Text will likely do best if I happen to be on the phone when you call.